dict.cc | alterations | Übersetzung Deutsch-Englisch (2024)


Übersetzung für 'alterations' von Englisch nach Deutsch

NOUN analteration | alterations




2 Wörter
to make alterationsÄnderungen vornehmen
acceptable alterationsakzeptable Änderungen{pl}


building alterations


DNA alterations


house alterations
material alterationswesentliche Änderungen{pl}


myxoid alterations
myxoide Veränderungen{pl}


skin alterations


tissue alterations
3 Wörter
Closed for alterations.Wegen Umbau geschlossen.
subject to alterationsÄnderungen vorbehalten
without any alterations{adv}ohne jede Änderung
alterations of constructionKonstruktionsänderungen{pl}
subject to alterations [reservation of right]Änderungs­vorbehalt{m}

16 Übersetzungen

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Übersetzung für 'alterations' von Englisch nach Deutsch

to make alterations
Änderungen vornehmen


acceptable alterations
akzeptable Änderungen{pl}
building alterations
DNA alterations
house alterations
material alterations
wesentliche Änderungen{pl}
myxoid alterations
myxoide Veränderungen{pl}med.
skin alterations
tissue alterations
Closed for alterations.
Wegen Umbau geschlossen.
subject to alterations
Änderungen vorbehalten
without any alterations{adv}
ohne jede Änderung
alterations of construction
subject to alterations [reservation of right]

Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch

weitere Beispiele ...

  • The Hall is a Grade II listed building and dates possibly from the 16th century, with 17th- and 18th-century alterations, and very minor 19th- and 20th-century alterations.
  • The adaptation makes several major alterations to the plot of the source material, which include both alterations of events as well as familial relationships.
  • Alterations to make the face and body appear feminine fall into two categories: temporary items that are applied or worn, and medical alterations.
  • MicroRNA genes, which are preferentially involved in chromosomal alterations, are frequently located at fragile sites.
  • Serotonergic alterations and alterations in glutamate release in the prefrontal cortex indicate that the neurochemical mechanisms altering structure in both the hippocampus and prefrontal cortex are similar.
  • No alterations were needed to the building's exterior and only slight alterations to the interior, to repurpose it for council administration uses.
  • Alterations were made to the house including the installation of a then-fashionable Venetian window during alterations by Robert Birch in 1773.
  • While large numbers of epigenetic alterations are found in cancers, the epigenetic alterations in DNA repair genes, causing reduced expression of DNA repair proteins, appear to be particularly important.
  • Alterations were undertaken in 1932 to remove partitions on the first and third floors for the use of the radio inspector and staff. In 1936 alterations were made to the private boxes.
  • Subsequent additions and alterations were to destroy or bury many of the house's original qualities.
  • There have been very minor alterations to this site, comprising minor alterations to the garden, and changes to the rear entry to the property.
  • Other forms of genetic alterations can be analysed using ctDNA (e.g. ...
  • Future alterations included the installation of a septic system, the addition of public toilets, minor room alterations, and the replacement of the original fence with a low height concrete one.
  • Sterry Creek is considered to be an impaired stream. The cause of the impairment is flow alterations and habitat alterations. The likely source of the impairment is abandoned mine drainage.
  • In 1978, R J Laburn undertook alterations to the staircase basem*nt and first floor and in 1980, alterations were made to the entrance hall.
  • There are three types of glycosylation disorders sorted by the type of alterations that are made to the glycosylation process: congenital alterations, acquired alterations and non-enzymatic acquired alterations.
  • Arthur Oswald thought that the entrance doorway and sash windows were probably 18th-century alterations made in Georgian times, but Pevsner and Williamson think they might be part of Lord Rothschild's alterations in 1886.
  • No alterations were made to the hull, or underwater appendages - so the alterations should be reversible.
  • Old Hall, a Grade II listed building in Aisby, originates from the 14th century, with 17th-century alterations, and substantial alterations and additions in the 19th and 20th centuries.
  • The first major alterations and extensions were carried out in 1951-52, and the successful tenderer was Thomas Barry O'Meara and Sons at a cost of [...].

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    Ähnliche Begriffe

    alteration of the regulations
    alteration of the rules
    alteration of the status
    alteration of the structure
    alteration of the terms
    alteration of the text
    alteration of the weather
    alteration of the wording
    alteration process
    alteration rate
    • alterations
    alteration service
    alteration shop
    alterations of construction
    alteration switch
    alteration tailor
    alteration time
    alteration type

    Andere Sprachen

    Wörterbücher mit Übersetzungen für "alterations":

    Englisch - alle Sprachen

    Englisch - Kroatisch
    Englisch - Niederländisch
    Englisch - Portugiesisch


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    dict.cc | alterations | Übersetzung Deutsch-Englisch (2024)
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